Our Values
Excellence: Vancouver's only educational facility accredited with a double certification by both the French and BC Ministries of Education Member of the worldwide AEFE network (Agency for French Teaching Abroad). French culture focus.
Creativity: Drama, music, fine arts and culinary arts. We promote the creative energy of our children by hosting cultural events throughout the year. An educational team with a strong artistic background.
Ecology: Part of Cousteau School, an accredited Eco-School by the Foundation of Environmental Education. Educational projects on the subject of the environment.
Creativity: Drama, music, fine arts and culinary arts. We promote the creative energy of our children by hosting cultural events throughout the year. An educational team with a strong artistic background.
Ecology: Part of Cousteau School, an accredited Eco-School by the Foundation of Environmental Education. Educational projects on the subject of the environment.
La seule école la province ayant la double reconnaissance d'enseignement de la France et de la Colombie-Britannique. Membre du réseau AEFE. Immersion dans la culture française. |
Participation à des événements en étroite collaboration avec l'Alliance Française de Vancouver. Une équipe pédagogique à forte sensibilité artistique. |
Annexe de l'École Cousteau, la première école de l’ouest canadien à être accréditée Eco-Ecole par la Fondation pour l’Education Environnementale. Projets pédagogiques sur la thématique de l’écologie. |